The system of care of SCI patients in the Czech Republic consists of multiple phases. Each phase takes place in a different clinical setting. Following surgical intervention by the spine surgery department, the patient is transferred to the spinal cord unit which provides intensive therapeutic and rehabilitation care for 2 to 3 months. The next phase is provided at the rehabilitation center for approximately 3 to 5 months. It is important to note that there are 4 dedicated spinal cord units and 3 separate rehabilitation centers focusing on SCI patients in the Czech Republic.
The Czech Spinal Cord Society networks professionals from across these centers. Its main objective is to promote a close working relationship among them. It participates in implementing a biannual SCI conference and ISNCSCI/SCIM/Walking tests courses, publishes recommended procedures and collects statistical data about SCI in the Czech Republic. It is also an important partner for health insurance companies, the Ministry of Health as well as the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The international SCI day provides an opportunity to inform the general population about the magnitude and consequences of SCI. Programs regarding preventive measures are therefore highly desirable. Raised awareness of SCI may also improve social acceptance of wheelchair users, enhance employment opportunities, remove barriers, etc. The Czech Spinal Cord Society provides a guide to activities to each different organization involved in this domain on September 5th.
1. General recommendations:
Poster presentation with the SCI Day logo about the activities taking place on September 5th.
The announcement of the SCI Day in all local press and digital media.
The presentation of the SCI concerns on national TV and radio.
2. The recommendations to SCI units:
To hold an Open Doors Day for employees of other departments.
An information session for employees of other departments presented by various providers of care, such as physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc. regarding their roles in treating SCI patients.
For the unit to conduct informational services via pamphlets and media presentations in the hospital.
3. The recommendations to Rehab centers:
The patients are to have an opportunity for group discussion after their SCI. Eminent individuals with SCI will hold motivational sessions regarding positive approaches following SCI.
4. The recommendations to non-profit organizations:
To hold an Open Doors Day for the general population with the intention of improving awareness of SCI and the challenges following it. The ability to experience various designs of aids such as different sport wheelchairs, handbikes, etc.
5. The recommendations to foundations:
The solicitation of funds to be applied towards supporting wheelchair bound patients to enable them to purchase special devices, the facilitation of functioning in various social situations, etc.
6. The recommendations to organizations dealing with medical equipment:
These organizations should provide support to adhere with the concept of a dedicated SCI Day of September 5th.